Adult Psychotherapy

  • Adults may look for psychotherapy when there are difficulties in different areas of life, disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety), normative or eminent crises, and need for personal development.
  • In a consultation, adults sometimes refer traumas, anxieties, worries, fears, sleep and appetite changes, doubts, hopelessness, behavioural, emotional, and family-related crises, among others.

How can adult psychotherapy help?

  • Psychotherapy can help in emotional contention and management of normative or eminent crises, and improving and deepening personal understanding and problem-solving, enabling the development of emotional and social awareness, resources and skills to deal with obstacles and increasing well-being.

Scientific Books

  • Leal, I., von Humboldt, S., Ramos, C., Ferreira-Valente, A., & Ribeiro, J. (2018). 12º Congresso Nacional De Psicologia da Saúde – ACTAS. Lisboa: Instituto Superior De Psicologia Aplicada. ISBN: 978-972-8384-47-8 (Visualizar em Detalhe).

Chapters in Scientific Books

  • Niculescu, G., Barangea, M., von Humboldt, S., & Silva, S. (2021). Altruism. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 406-410). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).
  • Benko, E., Babnik, K. & von Humboldt, S. (2021). Learned helplessness. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 2878-2880). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).
  • Mendoza-Ruvalcaba, N., von Humboldt, S., Díaz-García, I. & Flores-Villavicencio, M. (2021). Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 3594-3599). New York, NY: Springer, Cham.(View Details).
  • Peršolja, M., Benko, E. & von Humboldt, S. (2021). Pet-raising and psychological well- being. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 3795-3803). New York, NY: Springer, Cham.(View Details).
  • Babnik, K., Benko, E. & von Humboldt, S. (2021). Ryff’s psychological well-being scale. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 4344-4349). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).
  • Cabras, E. & von Humboldt, S. (2021). Motivation: theory/human model. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 3335-3337). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).
  • Costa, A., & von Humboldt, S., (2021). Psychometrics. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 4046-4049). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).
  • Moriano, J., Lloret, D. & von Humboldt, S. (2021). Substance abuse and addiction. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 4825-4829). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).
  • Rolo, J. & von Humboldt, S. (2021). Psychopathology. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 4056-4058). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).
  • Speh, K. & von Humboldt, S. (2021). Neuropsychology. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 3463-3465). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).

Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal Articles

  • von Humboldt, S. (2013). Editorial. Psychology, Community and Health, 2(3), 304–306. (Visualizar em Detalhe)