Support to Caregivers

Support to caregivers

  • The caregiver support consultation can be applied to individuals who are responsible for people with disabilities and physical and mental illnesses in an intensive manner. Continued care often causes doubts, emotional exhaustion, and negative feelings, such as distress and fears, ultimately negatively affecting the caregiver’s health and the caregiver’s health.
How can psychological support help caregivers?
  • Counselling and psychological support to caregivers provides an opportunity to clarify doubts; to provide knowledge regarding the particularities and the development of diseases; to support in the elaboration of methods and adaptations in the residence,; for psychological evaluation and subsequent assistance by a psychologist in case of anxiety and fear, so as to foster the caregiver’s well-being. The number of consultations is variable and adapted to each case.
Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal Articles
  • Monteiro, A., von Humboldt, S., & Leal, I. (2018). Crenças e atitudes dos cuidadores formais quanto à sexualidade dos idosos [Beliefs and attitudes of formal caregivers as to the sexuality of older adults], Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 19, 101-109 (Donwload).
  • Monteiro, A., von Humboldt, S., & Leal, I. (2017). How do formal caregivers experience the sexuality of older adults? Beliefs and attitudes towards older adults’ sexuality. Psychology, Community and Health, 6(1), 77–92 (Veja o artigo completo aqui).
Peer-Reviewed Abstracts
  • Monteiro, A., & von Humboldt, S. & Leal, I. (2018). Crenças e atitudes dos cuidadores formais quanto à sexualidade dos idosos [Beliefs and attitudes of formal caregivers regarding the sexuality of older adults]. Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças, s18, 139-140.
  • Monteiro, A., & von Humboldt, S. (2018). Como os cuidadores formais experimentam a sexualidade dos idosos? As barreiras e como promover o bem-estar sexual  [How do formal caregivers experience the sexuality of the elderly? Barriers and how to promote sexual well-being]. Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças, s18, 32-32.
Peer-Reviewed Scientific Proceedings
  • Monteiro, A., von Humboldt, S., & Leal, I. (2018). Barreiras e como promover o bem-estar sexual dos idosos segundo cuidadores formais [Barriers and how to promote the sexual well-being of older adults according to formal caregivers]. In I. Leal, S. von Humboldt, C. Ramos, A. Ferreira-Valente & J. Pais-Ribeiro (Eds.), 12º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde – Actas (pp.99-108). Lisboa: Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde. ISBN: 978-972-8384-47-8.
Peer-Reviewed Communications
  • Monteiro, A., & von Humboldt, S. & Leal, I. Crenças e atitudes dos cuidadores formais quanto à sexualidade dos idosos [Beliefs and attitudes of formal caregivers regarding the sexuality of older adults]. Presentation at the 12th National Congress of Health Psychology. Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde, Lisbon, January, 2018.
  • Monteiro, A. & von Humboldt, S. Como os cuidadores formais experimentam a sexualidade dos idosos? As barreiras e como promover o bem-estar sexual [How do formal caregivers experience the sexuality of the elderly? Barriers and how to promote sexual well-being]. Presentation at the 12th National Congress of Health Psychology. Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde, Lisbon, January, 2018.