LGBT Psychology

LGBT Psychology

  • The experience of LGBT individuals may include discrimination and difficulties in affirming their identity, in family relationships and integration with others, which can have negative physiological and psychological effects. LGBT individuals may be subject to hate, stigma, discouragement and misunderstanding. There may be objective and material consequences. Some studies indicate that life expectancy of LGBT individuals is low in settings hostile to sexual and gender diversity, raising the risk of death from physical illness, homicide, and suicide.
  • The literature indicates that LGBT adolescents subjected to discrimination and non-acceptance by their family are more likely to commit suicide. Lesbian women who are subjected to scrutiny may suffer from eating disorders. Likewise, gay and transgender individuals may experience high levels of anxiety, suicide attempts, excessive substance use, and depression.

How can psychological support help?

  • The goal of psychological support is to provide a safe and confidential setting, to allow the free expression of identity and self-concept, expression of negative emotions about possible discrimination, family relationships and social integration with adequate perception about how violence, prejudice and contempt may harm the well-being and mental health of individuals. Negative physiological and psychological effects are also explored, as well as the personal development of the individual. The search for help from a psychologist can help overcome the variables that can cause suffering, and assist the psychological development of the individual.

Chapters in Scientific Books

  • von Humboldt, S. (2024). Still out or coming in? Shame and double stigmatization among old LGBTQIA+ adults. In E. Vanderheiden & CH. Mayer (Eds.) Shame and Ageing in a Transforming World (pp. 97-113). Springer, Cham. (Visualizar em Detalhe).
  • Speh, K., von Humboldt, S. & Leal, I. (2021). LGBT in old age. In D. Gu & M. E. Dupre (Eds.), Encyclopedia of gerontology and population aging. (pp. 2899-2901). New York, NY: Springer, Cham. (View Details).

Peer-Reviewed Indexed Journal Articles

  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F., & Leal, I. (2021). Older Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults: What Predicts Adjustment to Aging? Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 18,1042-1048. JCR® Impact Factor (2019): 2.405 (View Details).
  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F., & Leal, I. (2020). What predicts adjustment to aging among older lesbians, gays and bisexuals. Psicologia, Saúde & Doenças, 21(1), 117-123. (View Details).

Peer-Reviewed Abstracts

  • von Humboldt, S., Caneiro, F., & Leal, I. (2022). Lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults and adjustment to aging. Global Advances in Health and Medicine, 11, 98-98. (View Details).
  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F., & Leal, I. (2022). Adjustment to aging among LGBT+ older adults. Innovation in Aging, 6(S1), 495. (View Details). JCR® Impact Factor (2021): 3.35.
  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F. & Leal, I. (2020). What predicts adjustment to aging among LGB older adults? Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças, 21S, 118-119.
  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F. & Leal, I. (2019). Adjustment to aging in the perspective of Lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults. European Psychiatry, 56S, S609-S609. (View Details).
  • Carneiro, F., von Humboldt, S. & Leal, I. (2018). What predicts adjustment to aging among lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults? 5th Scientific and Professional International Conference “Health of the elderly”: Book of Abstracts, 70-71 (Donwload).
  • von Humboldt, S., Leal, I., & Carneiro, F. (2017). What predicts adjustment to aging among lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults? European Psychiatry, 41, S177-S177 (View Details).

Peer-Reviewed Communications

  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F., & Leal, I. (2022). Lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults and adjustment to aging. Presentation at the 2022 International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, Phoenix May, 2022. (View in Details).
  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F., & Leal, I. (2022). Adjustment to aging among LGBT+ older adults. Presentation at the GSA 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, Indianapolis, November, 2022. (View in Details).
  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F., & Leal, I. (2020). What predicts adjustment to aging among older lesbians, gays and bisexuals. Presentation at a Symposium in the 13th National Congress of Health Psychology, Covilhã. January, 2020.
  • von Humboldt, S., Carneiro, F. & Leal, I. Adjustment to aging in the perspective of Lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults. Presentation at the 27th European Congress of Psychiatry. Warsaw, April, 2019. (View Details).
  • Carneiro, F., von Humboldt, S. & Leal, I. What predicts adjustment to aging among lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults? Presentation at the 5th Scientific and Professional International Conference “Health of the elderly”. Portoroz, September, 2018 (Donwload).
  • von Humboldt, S., Leal, I., & Carneiro, F. What predicts adjustment to aging among lesbian, gay and bisexual older adults? Presentation at the European Congress of Psychiatry, Florence, April, 2017 (View Details).